Friday 29 March 2013


One of the most important things to remember when learning a language is to take an interest in the culture of that country. 

Obviously not everyone can afford a holiday to Spain, flamenco lessons or try their hand at bullfighting but the internet offers many free and easy ways to immerse yourself in Spanish culture.

First, the online newspapers are a great way to keep up with what's happening in the Spanish speaking world.

My favourites are 20 minutos and El Mundo.

A really good and enjoyable way to improve your listening skills and learn more about Spanish culture is to listen to an online radio station.

I regularly listen to Cadena Dial and NRJ Spain which have a wide range of up to date Spanish music.

Another good way to learn more about Spanish culture is to read books and these don't necessarily have to be written in Spanish.

I really enjoyed The Return by Victoria Hislop, a stunning novel set in Granada which discusses the Spanish Civil War in an informative, yet engaging way.

Another really good book is The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafón. It's set in the post Civil War period and is set in the beautiful city of Barcelona.

Give some of these a go and you will love Spanish culture in no time.